도검 및 검도관련 정보

거합도, 발도도 2008-10-06 00:00:00
admin 조회수 : 6028
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Iaido is the art of sword drawing. It is a modern discipline that stems from martial practices out of Japans historic past. It is perhaps the most philosophically oriented of all Japanese budo. It is intrinsically a non-combative physical and mental discipline of the highest order based on a prescribed use of the traditional Japanese sword.

Nakayama Hakudo, Iaido grand master.


Iai-jutsu is the art of killing on the draw. Iai-jutsu teaches how to draw quickly and in such a fashion as to negate an opponents attack with finality. Iai-jutsu is more direct and forceful than Iaido, less concerned with the state of the practitioners mind and more with dispatching the opponent.

The very old schools of Iai-jutsu, which sword techniques were developed for combat, are either extant today or had to change their curriculum in order to remain popular and survive the modern era of budo.

거합도는  칼을 꺼내는 기술이다. 거합도는 일본 과거 역사도 미치지 않는 무술수련에서 유래되는 현대적인 훈련이다.

그건 아마도 철학적으로 일본무도의 가장 동양적인 모습이 될지도 모른다.

그것은 본질적으로 일본 전통무술이 지시하는 사용법에 근거를 둔 가장 높은 수준의 비전적인 육체적 정신적 훈련이다.


Batto-do differs from Iaido primarily through the practice of Tameshigiri, or test-cutting with a live blade. While both Batto-do and Iaido practice Iai-kata forms, in Batto-do students are also required to demonstrate proficiency in Tameshigiri as well.

Nakamura Taizaburo, Batto-do grand master.